The Unflawed Leader: Creating a Culture of Christlike Wellness in the Local Church

By Stan Gleason
Word Aflame Press
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The Unflawed Leader is a fresh look at the ultimate leader Jesus Christ in real time. Gleason situates Jesus, the only perfect leader the world has ever seen, in challenging leadership scenarios all leaders face. The only difference is that Jesus brought no unresolved emotional issues, habits, hurts, hang-ups, baggage, scars, old wounds, or dysfunction to his leadership team. He never deceived, broke trust, pitched a fit, had a colossal meltdown, manipulated, betrayed confidence, or employed guilt-motivation to get his way. It was said of him that he did "all things well." Books aplenty have been written about church leaders who lead with a limp, lead with pain, lead on empty, and lead a purpose-driven church. But we've known good, humble church members who walked with a limp, followed in pain, obeyed on empty, and were driven more like cattle than led like sheep. If you desire to create a culture of Christlike wellness in your ministry context, then this work is a must read for you.


SKU: 32045
ISBN: 9780757764943

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