Tell Her Story: A History of Women in Missions

By Darline Royer and Elizabeth Z. Turner
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At age sixty-three in 1956, Carrie Eastridge sold all her earthly possessions and applied to go to South Africa as a foreign missionary, where her daughter Nona and her family served as missionaries. Carrie was denied appointment and was advised to let younger people go. She asked, “Are any younger men applying?” When the board said no, she went anyway. She packed her bags and moved to South Africa at her own expense to help the Freemans.

This volume tells the story of fifty-plus female missionaries, all of whom ministered as single women for a period of time. Some of them served for decades on the field, facing unimaginable hardships, pioneering works in unevangelized lands, and superintending national works.

 The importance of their contributions can only be measured in eternity, and this book tells only a fraction of their exploits in ministry. Yet this book is essential reading for anyone interested in serving in global missions and for all who want to celebrate what God is doing throughout the world.


SKU: 32346
ISBN: 9780757766046

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