Almost Everything You Need to Lead a Small Group

By Lee Ann Alexander
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Let's talk about leading small groups.

It’s Thursday night, and you know what that means—your small group will trickle into your living room to share a snack and some conversation. It’s all fun and games until the new wears off and you’re six weeks in with some group members who won’t talk, some group members who won’t stop talking, and other often chaotic moments.

Let’s face it: sometimes leading a small group can be challenging. Rewarding? Yes. But challenging too.

This book provides techniques for leading a group so you can embrace the life-changing journey of ministry through small groups. These topics include:

·      Spiritual preparation

·      Hosting groups in your home (and how to get people to leave . . . nicely)

·      Getting quiet people to talk

·      Corralling people who won’t stop talking

·      Conflict management

·      Follow-up tips for after the group meeting

You don’t have to figure this out all on your own. This guide will equip you with (almost) everything you need to lead a small group.


SKU: 32360
ISBN: 9780757766084

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